Whole Hog 2015
by BradWhole Hog is an annual favorite in the realm of Fall seasonals, and while I was excited last year to have our first instance of vintage, I'm now excited to have our first vertical, as I originally covered Whole Hog in 2013. Needless to say, it's a good beer, and one of my favorites.

"Whole Hog" is actually a line of specialty beers by Stevens Point Brewing Company. This beer in particular is their Fall Seasonal: a Pumpkin Ale with a boatload of pumpkin flavor. They use actual pumpkin in the mash, as well as cinnamon and nutmeg, and boy can you tell. The first note I wrote is "moan-worthy". The beer pours a light brown with a thin amber head, and you can smell it the second you crack the bottle. It's rare in the sense that it gets better as it warms.

WHPA's (Whole Hog Pumpkin Ale) batter loses some color but is still a bit darker than typical batter, and has a moderate consistency. Flavor-wise, at first it's a little underwhelming given how flavorful the beer is, but the aftertaste is what really gets you. The batter seems to have taken away some of the spicyness and added a rich creamy mouthfeel.

It's interesting to go back and look at the past two years when it comes to the final product. I knew it was going to be good this year when the aroma of one of the pancakes hit me. They came across very doughy, almost as if undercooked (trust me, they weren't), and the aftertaste again was the kicker. Incredibly rich and complex.
The Decision
- Pancakes: Yes. If you like pumpkin, it's going to be great either way. It'd be a shame to miss experiencing pancake form of this amazing beer.
- Syrup: Yes? Do you typically like whipped cream on your pies? Because this is basically the same thing. I personally don't prefer the added sweetness, but it doesn't take anything away from the pancake.

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