Beer Batter Breakfast


When I first came across this beer, it was one of those things that I had to try. I was at Star Liquor one day looking through the cooler when I came across two interesting seasonals from 3 Sheeps Brewing. I don't even remember what the other one was, but I couldn't resist something called "Ginger Chocolate Stout".

Did somebody say Chocolate Ginger Stout?
Did somebody say Chocolate Ginger Stout?

The beer itself is wonderful. It's the perfect balance of gigner, cocoa, and dark malty stout. It literally tastes like a mouthful of ginger and cocoa nibs. I was shocked when I opened the first one. It was everything I'd hoped for and more. But, as with pretty much any beer I buy, I had to know what kind of pancakes it makes.


Like candy
Like candy

The batter (and the beer, I guess) was a little flat due to the fact that I'd actually opened this beer last night and didn't finish it for whatever sad/stupid reason, but aside from that nothing notable in terms of constitution.

In terms of flavor, the batter got a little sweeter than the beer was, which really brought out the ginger. Not in a bad way, per say, but it did ruin the delicate balance that made the beer so delightful. It tasted more like candy than a finely crafted beer.


I love the color on these. And the smell.
I love the color on these. And the smell.

This will definitely go down as one of the most interesting and incredible pancakes I've made in the history of this blog. Not that I really expected much else from such an interesting and incredible beer, but I was really floored. I expected something weird to happen during the process (as I've seen with a lot of other beers), but no, the delicate chocolate and ginger interplay remained fairly constant throughout the process. It was incredible.

Ternary Scale

  • Pancakes: 3. My notes from this entry literally say "O lawd. So good." The ginger wound up backing down a bit and the cocoa came through the flavor to get the same delightful balance found in the beer. Really phenomenal pancakes.
  • Syrup: 2. I was actually worried the syrup would ruin these but it didn't. They were still great.
Hooray for not-ruined pancakes!
Hooray for not-ruined pancakes!